/Photo by Alex Wigan on Unsplash
This particular lesson took too long to finally sink in.
“Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.”
– Robert Tew
Photo by Alex Wigan on Unsplash
This particular lesson took too long to finally sink in.
“Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.”
– Robert Tew
Photo by Johnny McClung on Unsplash
It's a few minutes before New Year's.
I remember one year I celebrated with my father and my cousin Charlie, who was several years older than I was (thirteen at the time). Minutes after the clock struck 12, I asked my cousin, "What does it feel like to live in the 90's?" He paused for a second and said, "Exactly the same as it did in the 80's."
As little as it was, my bubble burst. I was clinging to some illusion that time could change something. But time doesn't change anything. We do.
Here's to a new year. Here's to making it golden.
Photo by Paul Varnum on Unsplash
Come, come, whoever you are
Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving,
It doesn't matter
Ours is not a caravan of despair
Even if you have broken your vows
A thousand times it doesn’t matter
Come, yet again, come
– Rumi