At the core
/Years ago a question was posed: Who would you be and how would you behave if you couldn't have a direct effect on the world?
TOUGH question.
Imagine walking around anywhere on Earth, sort of like a ghost. And no, no sexy clay-sculpting scenes involved with Righteous Brothers playing in the background. What if you could witness but could not influence what went on around you, despite what you saw unfold?
That probably sums up how millions of us feel about Vladimir Putin's atrocious war on Ukraine. The Kremlin's sadistic invasion and its ensuing catastrophes will be felt for years to come. Again and yet again: I stand with Ukraine.
Briefly back to the lone, existential question, which may serve no other purpose than to know oneself a little better: Who and how would I be?
Who I am—just that. And if there's any way I could improve the lives of those around me even just one bit—that’s exactly what I’m working to do.
Photo by Daria Volkova on Unsplash